City Manager
Bobby Mouser
The City Manager is appointed by the City Council to serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the City.
He is responsible for the overall management of the City and carries out the policies of the City Council.
The City Manager also serves as the General Manager of the Stigler Municipal Improvement Authority.
City Clerk
Amber Hamilton
The City Clerk is responsible for maintaining all records of the City and serves as clerk to the City Council.
She works closely with the City Manager and other City departments to ensure all records are accounted for and filed in a well-organized manner.
She is responsible for maintaining all City records, processing payroll, accounts payable, maintaining employee records, scheduling meetings of the City Council, preparing agendas for the City Council, and keeping minutes of all official meetings.
The Stigler Regional Airport is owned and operated by the City of Stigler.
The airport is located three miles northeast
of the City of Stigler.

Police Department
Gary Ballinger, Police Chief
Kenny Medlock, 911 Director
The Stigler Police Department consists of nine full-time police officers, two part-time police officers; and four full-time, and three part-time dispatchers.
The Stigler Police Department serves the community in all aspects of law enforcement, including but not limited to traffic, warrant service and investigations.
The Stigler Police Department also serves and works closely with all other agencies, including Haskell County Sheriff's Office, Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation, Oklahoma Highway Patrol and the District Attorney's Drug Task Force.
Municipal Court
Penny Ballard, Court Clerk
James W. Smith, City Judge
Bill J. Nunn, Prosecuting Attorney
The Stigler Municipal Court is the Judicial Branch of City Government.
The function of the Court Clerk is to adjudicate all traffic, parking, and non-traffic violations of City ordinances.
The court is presided over by the Honorable James W. Smith and administered by the Municipal Court Department.
The Municipal Court Department maintains all court records, ensures the orderly conduct of court sessions, and accounts for all fiscal matters involving City Court.
Fire Department
Jimmy Hays, Fire Chief
The Stigler Fire Department consists of the Fire Chief and 18 volunteer firefighters. The department has an ISO rating of 5.
The department performs duties such as structural and wildland firefighting and assisting with the jaws of life.
A courtesy car is now available at Stigler Regional Airport. The keys and log are located in the airport lounge.
Stigler Municipal Improvement Authority
Jimmy Hays, Supervisor
Water / Sewer Department
The department provides services in supplying water to the citizens of Stigler. They include managing individual accounts, treatment and delivery, and maintenance of the water pipe system.
This Department includes the Water Treatment Plant, Wastewater Treatment Plant, Water Maintenance, and the Administration.
Trash Collection
The City of Stigler provides a variety of solid waste collection services to the community, including: weekly residential trash pick-up and commercial dumpster.
Street Department
The Street Department provides the City of Stigler with well-maintained and safe streets. Major functions of the department include: Minor street resurfacing, brush pick-up, street sweeping, mowing of public right-of-ways, making sure the streets are marked, making sure alleys are clean and passable, and overall street maintenance.